A Sign Holder/Signage Celebration at the March Digital Signage Expo

Untitled design(2)An explosion of digital signage continues to transform the business world with real-time pronouncements, accentuated branding, and multisensory experiences geared to captivate an audience. The latest will be prominently displayed March 26th through 29th at the Digital Signage Expo (DSE) at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

In addition to new technological innovations, DSE will also spotlight ways to use digital signage to the sharpest advantage, including workshops on video board content creation. Virtual Reality should also be a draw to the new multimedia, multisensory “eXperiential showcase” with VR Artist Anna Solomko. Part of this demonstration will focus on fusing immersive, interactive technology with traditional screens and displays, “transforming a physical space into a full-on engaged experience.”

In a nutshell, this is the crux of DSE. The ability to control real-time messaging and deliver multisensory experiences can be a powerful tool in driving sales with immediate results. That could also explain why some big “users” will be on hand, from Disney to In-N-Out Burger. Fast food to amusement parks…banks, grocery chains, airlines, pharmacies, retailers…any environment where an immediate call-to-action results in a sale can benefit.

The stakes? Grand View Research predicts that revenue from digital signage will exceed $20 billion with “a recall rate higher than any other form of traditional media (83%).” If the numbers pan out, the profit potential is hard to ignore.

CRB Tech insert
Acrylic Sign Holder


Also pivotal to the movement? Displays that point attentive eyes to the message and engage interaction with customers. More and more, kiosks are popping up at the point-of-sale and in strategically placed retail floor locations. Custom Acrylic Tablet Displays are also there to accent signage with broad appeal. Add Clear Acrylic Sign Holders as a complement to combine modern and traditional signage approaches.

The best place to see and feel what your customers can experience? Just might be the Vegas DSE, the place to be in March!

Acrylic Sign & Brochure Holders in the Transforming Retail Sector for 2019

cq5dam.web.1200.630Brisk holiday sales and consumer spending in general have retailers feeling rosily optimistic for 2019. While uncertainty and caution keep expectations at least mildly tempered, spending indicators are undeniably high. One bellwether is the travel industry, where bookings for vacations are already up and even summer camping spaces at parks are being reserved rapidly, despite being shut down by the government as of this writing.

Early winter spending on travel may indicate economic strength but retailers still have to contend with a familiar nemesis: online shopping. Will 2019 be a breakthrough or bust for the retail industry?

TotalRetail observed a transformation in the retail sector worth noting. While 80% of purchases are initiated online, “64% of major retail purchases are still made in-store.” According to their research, store values are growing significantly – especially those with the foresight to become more “experiential arenas.”

This more hands-on approach offers something online shopping can’t: a tangible, visual product. American Girl doll stores are described as being “like walking into a storybook world.” In Shanghai, a shoe store added an indoor track so customers can run and capture real-time data before deciding. Furniture stores are using “augmented reality” to match consumers’ real-life living rooms with the just right furniture…an “inside/outside” approach.

Vinyl Sign Holder (Style C)
Bottom-Loading Sign Holder

The point is to stay relevant and strengthen the bond between brand and customer first-hand impressions. Also an essential part of the physical in-store experience? Presentation and display. This is where the need for clear acrylic is also critical. Acrylic Sign Holders and Brochure Holders lend vitality to that in-store connection, giving retailers an added edge with the latest product/promotional displays and their visual appeal.

That concept isn’t lost on the travel industry, either. Travel Daily News, citing a Bentley University Center for Marketing Technology Center study across 17 cities in North America and Western Europe, found that 79% of visitors picked up a brochure during their travels. “The decline of print advertising predicted by marketers was over hyped,” according to CMT Director Ian Cross, adding that “even in this digital age, people still value tangible ‘in-the-moment’ printed materials like brochures.”

We know where you can find the perfect Brochure Holders to match.

Retail’s Answer to Amazon BEYOND the Holidays

retail-1Going into the 2018 holiday shopping season, the National Retail Federation estimated that consumers planned to spend what amounts to an average of $1,007 on gifts, decorations, candy, and other holiday-related consumables. The NRF claims that multichannel shopping already skyrocketed by 40% in-store and online from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday. While final sales results from the season remain to be seen, it appears that Christmas has been very green indeed!

The competition between e-commerce and brick-and-mortar retail hit a crescendo in 2018, according to TotalRetail. It’s the year that saw Amazon grow even larger with the purchase of Whole Foods and launch of Amazon Go, partially automated stores where customers can shop without going through a cashier line or even self-checkout.

The convenience of online shopping has always been the toughest challenge for retailers…nearly impossible to overcome. TotalRetail and the NRF both have suggestions and forecasts anticipating 2019 trends and how retail can entice shoppers.

The NRF points to a new wave of “collaborative marketplaces” where retail storefronts and pop-ups share a collective space. This creation of a diverse market experience is already under way with WeWork’s “WeMRKT” introduction and a Dallas-area hot spot called Neighborhood Goods.

Rigid Vinyl C with Sale Insert
Retail Sign Holder


An NRF survey also revealed that shoppers base buying decisions on whether or not a brand or retailer reflects their own values, using Patagonia and The North Face as examples with excellent customer loyalty (both recycle their used products in exchange for new ones).

Prioritizing the point-of-sale experience is another area considered key in 2019 by TotalRetail. New in-store technology is now in place that gives customers more interactive options in personalized shopping and “frictionless” checkout. Scanners and in-store kiosks give consumers more push button convenience while also providing immediate accessibility to inventory.

Also vital to retail floors and the POS? Clear Acrylic Sign Holders that illustrate the latest offers…and Custom Acrylic Tablet Displays that make a perfect match with interactive technological upgrades. If you’re in the market and anxious to see what’s in store for 2019 in-store, keep them in mind and all the best for the New Year!



POP-UP Shops, Sign Holders, and Christmas Retail

Coca-Cola-POP-UP-STORE-1Holiday sales are officially in full force, including a wave of retail “pop-up” shops that are becoming an increasingly familiar sight for busy Christmas shoppers. Citing Forbes 2017 statistics in a March 2018 article, TotalRetail pointed to one of particular interest. Retail store openings are outpacing closures by the greatest numbers in years…2.7 to 1 last year…and that’s good news for pop-ups.

Small Business Trends also reported significant growth worth billions in the pop-up segment. Even with the convenience of digital shopping, customers are still flocking to nearby brick-n-mortar establishments. The closer, the better apparently…store proximity is what’s trending now.

The pop-up itself is typically a store within a store. What starts as a vacant space becomes a dollar generating enterprise, welcomed by its larger host who benefits from the added foot traffic. And sometimes the pop-up’s unique nature and merchandise becomes seed for a more permanent operation with roots.

Independent boutique pop-ups and larger retail bases alike are getting a much-needed sales assist this season. Demand is at a year-long high for Retail Sign Holders and special Pop-Up Sign Holders that ship flat and “pop-up” on an easel stand…easily maneuverable, serviceable, and portable for user friendliness.

Fred Segal Pop-Up Shop


VACP Vinyl Sign Holders are designed with tough, rigid vinyl that’s light and inexpensive. It slants back to meet the eye from countertops and flat “pop-up” surfaces, and the foldable easel makes it easy to wrap up at the end of the day. Plus, it features a clear brochure pocket so vendors can use a “grab-n-go” approach with bustling Christmas shoppers. Hook ‘em with a catchy sign and give them information to-go.

Table Tents and other Acrylic Sign Holders are also in the spotlight, including multi-sided displays especially popular on larger retail floors.

As for the future of Pop-Up stores beyond the holidays? TotalRetail quoted consultant Stephen Brooks, who specializes on the subject. Brooks cited what’s “already happening in the U.K.” as businesses work cooperatively. Sharing retail and pop-up space is not necessarily dividing square footage…it’s multiplying sales potential in ways that are “great for the town, great for employment, great for coffee shops and restaurants, and great for the community in general.”


Designing a Retail Shopping Environment and Sign Holders that work in a Digital Shopping World

hero-shopping-mallIn a brisk consumer market where brick-and-mortar retailers face the challenge of convenient online shopping, store operators are paying keen attention to attractive store design and targeted marketing for customer appeal. Creating the allure of a positive shopping experience is a key part of the equation.

New Hope Network, which bills itself as “the premiere digital marketplace that connects the healthy lifestyle industry from supply to shelf,” recently published research results based on interviews with hundreds of natural food retailers that could apply to other retail segments…citing store layout, lighting, and how unique products are merchandised. Such direct, tactile appeal can help capture shopper allegiance and repeat business.

Using this specified niche of the retail grocery industry as an example, New Hope discusses floor layout nuances that enhance the customer experience. Self-check kiosks give consumers a sense of control over their purchases AND reduce time spent waiting in line. Creating a space where customers can interact and sample goods also creates a more “immersive experience.”

Beyond structural rearrangement, in-store target merchandising needs to be displayed strategically and prominently to build the buzz. Not even online shopping can guarantee that eyes will fully engage with cross-promotions. Direct, eye-to-eye contact gives retailers a sterling opportunity to boost profits.

Making targeted promotions grab attention brings us to Lucky’s Market in the New Hope study. With an eye toward new products, Lucky’s vice president of merchandising, Andrew Vialpando said “a main point I strive for is discovery.” Vialpando’s goal is to make food shopping more of an engaging experience than chore-like drudgery.

His formula utilizes “pointed messaging and signage” in clean, simple displays that highlight a product’s most unique/attractive features. Minimizing pyramid displays to lessen consumer fatigue and clear price displays also help increase impulse buys…backed by research numbers indicating “upwards of 68% of buying decisions are unplanned.”

That’s where new acrylic Sign Holders and point-of-purchase signage can make a significant difference. Impulse Sign Display Holders including swivel-base and designer oval-shaped Literature Displays deliver eye-catching appeal and attention to your own unique retail specials.

One more tip from New Hope? Lighting: the more natural lighting you have, the better. If not, track lighting can lend an appealing, high-end look. 3,500K bulbs “have a warm yellow tone…4,000K for brighter, more blue light.”

Glass Green Name Plates, Patterns, Colors, and Lights in Retail


A lot of psychology goes into retail layouts. How a store is planned, where and how products are placed, the use of color, lighting, and even subliminal hints all have a place…and the more attention to detail on the front end pays dividends on the back.

If you operate a retail environment, consider what greets your customers as they walk through your doors. According to a recent www.furnituretoday.com post, Art Van Furniture’s newest store in Canton, Michigan took a decidedly more colorful approach in design. Art Van used changing color values of the same light-to-darker gray palette in areas like wall and trim color, then switched to a terra cotta color to “pull” consumers deeper.

Visual Director Chris Meier said “Color can define spaces and pull your guest through the store.  We want our guests to look ahead and be drawn to the next area of the store.”NPA2085025 GG-Insert1200px

You can upgrade your visual approach in other ways and guide potential customers with unique applications of color and patterns. One approach involves NPA2 GG Clear Executive Glass Green Name Plates with metal standoffs, creating a classy, upscale look that accents high-end décor nicely.

Turn plain name plate inserts into attractive displays, including directional signage. Unique, distinctive patterns are now available to sharpen focus from busy foot traffic. You can elevate displays elegantly with mixed patterns in an acrylic showcase, like NPBR Clear Name Plate Holders as well as the Glass Green Executive Series. Help point the way in a style that captures and pleases the eye.NPBR085025-Insert

Did you notice the Art Van approach to color did not mention bold, primary colors like red, yellow, green, and blue? Martin Roberts of Martin Roberts Design says the belief that color sells merchandise simply isn’t true anymore. “It’s about soft variations. If you have a red sofa, it’s usually the last thing to sell.” He added “retailers are very careful not to put on their floor things that are too strident because that limits the amount of people who will buy it.”

Throwback Thursday, Steve Jobs, and Furniture POP Displays: Connect the Dots

steve.jobs.home.woodside.california.1982.photography.diana.walker.timeApple’s new headquarters in Cupertino, CA opens in 2017.  Known as “The Spaceship,” this new tech facility will showcase the influence of Steve Jobs in multiple ways, including the furniture.  Jobs’ philosophy in that area was “less is more,” and The Spaceship captures that “Throwback Thursday” attitude in tribute to the perfectionist and visionary Apple founder.

Jobs’ minimalist approach to furnishing also applied to the Los Gatos home he shared with his wife Lauren and their children.  A great deal of thought and analysis went into the couple’s theory of the function of furniture, like the purpose of a sofa.  But like any couple or individual, visual appeal counts when shopping for the perfect pieces.  And even the Jobs family didn’t have online shopping to help them back in the early ‘80s.

Just as it was then, furniture retailers today need the right kind of Point-of-Purchase (POP) Displays to showcase their finest pieces.  Even geniuses need visual guidance, especially when shopping the showroom floor.  Nothing shines a brighter light on furniture sales than crystal clear acrylic Sign Holders, Poster Holders, and Literature Displays.  In a way, this direct form of advertising is also a sort of “Throwback Thursday”…and will continue to be, especially now at the height of furniture sales season.

But how much time and effort are customers actually putting into selecting a new sofa or mattress?  According to the Sleep Better Council (http://www.bettersleep.org), one of their six recommended steps involves choosing the right store.  If you’re a businessperson, you of course hope that your location is the chosen one.  And once that customer walks through the door, that’s where the visual acuity of acrylic displays serves as the ideal sales assistant!

Granted, most furniture shoppers likely aren’t taking the same approach as Steve Jobs once did.  But whether for one eclectic piece or a houseful in the latest trends, seeing is believing!  And who knows?  You might even inspire someone through acrylic displays to decorate in their own Throwback Thursday motif!

Accentuate the Positive in Furniture with Attractive Sales Displays

luxury living room interior and decoration

Furniture is one of those necessities that never goes out of style or demand. This time of year is especially prime furniture shopping season…and the ideal time to capture sales opportunities! Put your featured promotions in the right spotlight while in-store foot traffic is at its heaviest. With the latest in Literature Display Holders, you can increase your bottom line with upgraded display options. PPM has added new innovations that deliver aesthetic appeal and superior functionality to make it happen.

Style A
Style A Slant Back Sign Holder

Accentuate the brilliance of select products with our latest advancements in Sign Holders and Poster Holders. They’re now available in thicker gauge material with crystal clear visual acuity to showcase your print literature and every detail for your customers. When you consider the pristine quality of your slicks and the investment you made in promotional advertising, doesn’t that literature deserve the best Display Holders to grab the eye?

Naturally, retail sales generally are on the rise as the holiday season kicks into gear. But there’s another undeniable factor that connects directly to furniture sales. Single-family home sales and construction have risen dramatically the last three years, a true indicator that bodes well for the furniture industry. In fact, financial experts at CIT forecast growth in the furniture sector to outpace the US economy well into 2016.

Market demographics are also important when you want to connect with your prospects. For example, did you know that millennials were responsible for nearly half the sales of accent tables in the past year? One way to add a touch of elegance and class to your in-store promotions is with PPM’s new Green Display Holders. The use of green glass in marketing is nothing new but the attraction can’t be denied. And like the thicker material mentioned earlier, Green Sign Holders and Poster Holders deliver added value without additional cost. Check out the rounded corners and highly polished, eye-catching appearance.

Style C Glass Green
Style C Green Finish

We haven’t forgotten the finer details, either. For example, “Bump-ons” can help secure your displays and prevent scratching, scraping, and sliding. Want to customize your Display Holders for added brand recognition? A PPM representative can tell you about custom imprinting options that make a real impression.

It’s the right time for enhanced, upgraded furniture sales with “new look” Sign Holders and Poster Holders. Discover bigger sales opportunities with a little help from PPM. ‘Tis the season!

How to Use Countertop Signs to Generate Sales

Vinyl Sign Holder with Brochure Holder (Style C) Our new vinyl series offers numerous benefits in advertising alternatives to display goods and promotions while delivering value and quality in budget-friendly ways. New vinyl series is 30%-50% less expensive than acrylic products, ships flat for low-cost shipping, and is lightweight, durable, and unbreakable. Vinyl Sign Holders are also available with a variety of customizing options. You can add your logo or slogan with imprinting. Available pockets for brochures or business cards. Even as a stand-alone sign holder, your content displays never looked better.


Vinyl Sign Holder (Style C)

Vinyl Sign Holder with Screen Printing (Style C)









Tips on how to use these Countertop Signs

Attract your prospective customer with specials, offers, deals, and spotlight your products and services.

Focus on showcasing the main benefits of those products and services.

Your service  should be a need not a want for your prospective customer.

Use color to attract! If it’s a Sale sign, use red tones to call attention. Businesses such as banks and investment firms use blue tones to inspire trust and security. Pink, yellow, and other light colors suit a bakery, café, or florist. Choose the right color tones…every color has a psychological effect and can have a huge impact on your response rate.

Add your social media icons and advertise deals and offers by letting your customers connect through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. This aid is a great way to nurture your customer base and keep them updated with new promotions, sales, and product releases. It’s also a great opportunity to make new customers and friends.

Vinyl sign holders can help define the importance of your company. Depending on your type of business, you can raise awareness and create a sense of urgency in your customers. For example, use conversion words like “limited time only.” It’s an excellent guide to more immediate customer purchasing decisions.


Vinyl Sign Holder with Business Card Holder (Style C) Use these tips and instantly turn your sign holders into an undeniable “Call to Action.” See how you generate traffic and increase sales.  Lastly, don’t forget to focus on how you can help your prospective customers and give them better value for the dollar!


Retail Sign Holder Bases: Tips for Success this Holiday Season

    For retailers, sales for the holidays can really help make or break the entire year.It’s time to break out all the tools of the trade, like top quality acrylic displays, sign holders, and sign bases. We’re sure you’re most likely on top of it already, but we also wanted to pass along some tips that could go nicely with your displays and boost those sales.
     Vera Gibbons of Yahoo Finance recently outlined some interesting ideas that might enhance your displays and make those sign holders real star attractions in the store.Here are just a few as they relate to visuals (we’ll skip the SCENT incentives – can’t see those in acrylic)…  

     ·      First, consider using Nostalgia – There’s something comforting about the advertising of yesteryear.With baby boomers being the target demographic now especially, classic photos of Santa, certain foods, toys, you name it…they take customers back to a simpler time and give them more of a sense of comfort and control.Nostalgiac toys seem to be especially popular now, too. 

Coca Cola Ad From 1931
1931 Coca Cola Ad

     ·      The use of certain colors can have a profound psychological effect on shoppers.Ironically, Christmas colors RED and GREEN really tend to open the purse strings.Red background displays have enhanced e-bay sales according to the Yahoo report, and that translates to a more effective use of sign holders as well.Even waitresses and waiters wearing red tend to get higher tips.Consider the red logos for companies and brands like Target, Red Bull, Coca Cola, Kohl’s, K-Mart, Canon, and Colgate: for whatever reason, RED triggers more spending. 
     ·      The color GREEN is, of course, the other color we most closely associate with the Christmas season.  Psychologically, buyers connect it with wealth and ease.It’s also the easiest color for the human eye to detect, making it a real draw in retail displays as well as enhancing impulse buys.Apple and Nokia in particular have put green to good use. 
     ·      Store layout is also key to a fuller shopping cart.Make it more of a treasure hunt and shoppers will be more likely to add items.  Providing previews, gifts, samples, and DISPLAYS along the way through the store?It’s almost a given, but you’d be surprised how many retailers could actually add to their sales with a little better strategic placement of their displays.

Extruded Retail Sign Holders
Extruded Retail Sign Holders

      This brings us to retail sign holders and their place in your schematics.Extruded retail sign holders come in several standard widths but can be made in almost any width – particularly helpful for those short-run seasonal promotions.These displays are designed to be very affordable and are 1-3/4” deep and 7/8” high.Sturdy sign bases keep your displays in the spotlight…all you have to do is focus on the best material for the location in the store and, you know, maybe adding a touch of red and/or green perhaps?  
     A 2-7/8” deep retail sign holder can also be geared to accommodate a number of widths.  This affordable, extruded style is ½” high and comes in a wide range of lengths, lending added flexibility to your display options.

Sign Base Menu Holder
Sign Base Menu Holder

    Maybe the most attractive option of all is our handmade sign base because the attractively sloped base can be printed with your custom message.  Consider the options that provides, not just for holiday and end-of-year sales, but other promotional opportunities at other points throughout the year.  2” deep and 2” high, here’s a retail sign holder that can be made in almost any width you want…and yes: it’s hand made!  Add your message and put it to work!  
     So consider your options as shopping season kicks into high gear, and consider how these tips can be coordinated with your sign holders and sign bases.  We’d love nothing more than to help Christmas’ red and green bring a LOT of green to your cash register during this busy time of year…and continue well into your other seasonal promotions for the future as well!  Good luck and Happy Holiday shopping!